Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lulu Grace

today i met sweet lulu grace via her beautiful momma, Cami. :) lulu was born on september 23, 2010 with trisomy18 (same as jaxton) and was here with her family for 62 days. 62 days filled with love and lots of smiles. today lulu and my charlotte were giggling together as they watched their mommies cry, smile, and pray together, in sweet memory of them. today marks the 6 month birthday of lulu and i was blessed to celebrate her life with cami at a local chick-fil-a...i love that place...a great place to celebrate a birthday! this is another one of those situations that i wish i didnt know cami because that would mean her lulu and my charlotte would be here. but because we cant change that i am blessed to have had cami reach out to me in the midst of our grief. cami greeted me with a huge hug and a warm, understanding smile. i have been feeling alone at times lately, but when i saw her i knew immediately that she was exactly what i needed...good, Godly encouragement and friendship. we were able to passionately share our daughters with each was messy at times, but so beautiful at the same time. there were so many things that cami said that encouraged me, all of which i am still processing...i will share some of that soon. i did want to celebrate lulu grace a little more tonight before i go to bed. each month on the 23rd cami and her family (hubby and 4 children) celebrate and remember lulu by blowing bubbles (i will share that reasoning later too, its a great one!). i dont have any bubbles here, but i did find a few photos. lulu...i am thinking about you tonight. i am praying for your mom, i know that she misses you so much. i also know that she loves you more than she could ever put into words! cami, thank you for pouring into my life today. i love you already!!

blessings, ALo

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